It's been awhile, hasn't it. There's been quite a lot going on.
- Finished all of my school stuff for this semester yesterday.
- I'm placed, with 99% certainty, for student teaching next spring.
- While I haven't been doing much on the photography front, due to my good camera being broken, I have finally learned to knit. My long experience with crochet and other fiber arts has made it so that I was extremely confident and fearless, so I've already made my first socks and my first lace. Before work today I'm going to get the needles I need to start my first garment.
- I'm also working on designing a pattern for a crocheted shawl, or maybe two. We'll see. I've got an idea floating around in my head that I've started working out.
- We've also got a possible very large life change approaching. I'm not going into details until we know for sure, but I'm super super excited.
- I still hate my boss, and we're trying to get the budget to where I can quit when school starts again in the fall, but we'll see. Some of it's going to depend on the aforementioned life changes.